Massage Therapy

Sarah Howe, LMT, E-RYT



"Sthira sukham asanam"...the posture is steady and comfortable.

Patanjali's Yoga Sutras


Massage therapy is an intrinsic part of a whole-body health care approach.

Whether you need support to manage stress, relieve tension, recover from an injury, or just maintain physical and mental balance, I will focus upon your concerns in tune with the aims and methods of massage therapy.

My integrative bodywork techniques address your specific conditions. To help improve muscle tone, postural alignment, joint range of motion and to release long standing chronic pain patterns and restrictions from physical, emotional or environmental causes, I incorporate both hands-on and energy healing modalities.


 Massage Therapy

with Sarah Howe

is located at Metta Wellness

679 Pleasant Street

Paxton, MA  01612

(508) 207-2337

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2024 Massage Therapy. All rights reserved.